Friday, March 15, 2013

TKO: Hello Kitty Shirt - the Remix

As a diligent housekeeper, I always wash new clothes before we wear them.  After doing so with a batch of clothes for my daughter, another shirt bled on this darling Hello Kitty shirt that I scored on clearance at Target. Grrr. So, I tried everything to get the stain out until I had a flash of genius.  I picked up another white shirt at Walmart and whipped up this Hello Kitty shirt...the remix.  You will need: scissors, seam ripper (if applicable), sewing machine, iron-on stabilizer, iron, ironing board or thick towel and pins, if you like. 

I took my seam ripper and removed the bow.

Then, I cut out the design in a heart shape.  Let's call this the "applique"

Next, I cut a piece of stabilizer slightly larger than the "applique".  Go ahead and turn on your iron so it is hot when you need it.

Turn the shirt inside out, and position your stabilizer where you want it.  Make sure that the glue side is against the fabric.  Use the "applique" to position the stabilizer.  You can use pins, but you will have to remove them before/during ironing.

Turn right side out and prepare to iron.

Iron according to instructions on your fusible stabilizer.  Turn off the iron and let the shirt cool before proceeding.

Position "applique" on right side of shirt.  Make sure that it lines up with the stabilizer.  Sew to attach.  I used a straight stitch and left a border, but if you do not like that look, you could finish it with a zig-zag over the edges of the "applique".

Sew on bow or add other embellishments.  You're done.  Now THAT was a quick fix!

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